One of the fastest growing populations in not only North America, but in Europe and Asia, too are Vegans. Just in case you have missed the trend, a vegan is someone who does not eat any products that come from animals, such as meat, dairy or anything else.
For many years, the vegan community was small, and finding products not only to eat, but also to take care of the body was hard. But thankfully, due to the ever growing number of vegans around the world, there are many different products that use ingredients from vegetables and from other natural sources.
Let us take a look at some of the most popular.
One thing that you will find tightly connected too many certified vegan skin care products are certified organic products. While there are exceptions, the majority of products that have passed the strict vegan testing come from 100 percent natural and organic sources, so you know that the products you buy are doubly good not only for you but for the environment.
A great product that is all natural and completely vegan is face and skin moisturizers made from aloe, fruit extracts and Vitamin B5. You may have to read a lot of back labels to find creams that correspond to the strict no animal policy that many vegans live by, but they are out there.
Luckily, many mainstream companies are now beginning to label their skin care products as not only organic, but also vegan if the cream or solution they are selling is completely free of animal ingredients.
Another popular choice for folks looking to treat their skin with vegan products is moisturizers containing beta-glucan. This almost unknown ingredient, which comes from mushrooms, has been shown to increase the immune system and helps speed healing when you scrap or otherwise harm your skin.
This can be a huge help to those looking to get rid of scars, or at the very least help in hiding them a little, as well as those looking to hide the effects of an accident. This wonderful and natural chemical also helps to stimulate collagen formation in the skin, and as anyone who knows anything about skin care knows, that is a huge plus!
The next ingredient we will look at is squalane. Squalane can actually come from many different sources, including animal sources, although it is rare. It is a natural ingredient in our own skin, as well as in many fruits and vegetables. The most common source for squalane is actually olive oil, so if you are vegan, you can rest easy that your squalane products meet your particular lifestyle needs.
So, now that you know you can use squalane, what does it do for you? Squalane is excellent at speeding the regeneration of your skin, so much like beta-glucan; it can be used after an accident directly on the spot where you have a wound or a scar to help in covering it up a little. Many people do not realize that serious skin damage, over time, can be a major source of wrinkles and imperfections in the skin itself.
Squalane also assists the body to hydrate and nourish itself over time. As we all know, the ultimate key to healthy looking, young feeling skin over the long haul is proper hydration, so squalane can really help out in that area. Squalane is also packed with rich Vitamin A, which is absolutely vital to your overall skins health and it helps to restore a more supple, soft and elastic feeling to your skin.
Finally, squalane has excellent anti-oxidant features that make it a nourishing and important part of any serious skin treatment program.
Finding the pure and natural vegan way to treat your skin can be tough. Many labels are not completely clear about where they get their ingredients from, so sometimes, you are left to guess. But by looking for products that carry these important ingredients, you know there is an excellent chance you are treating your skin right. Eyebrow gel