A beautiful bag from mk can be a fabulous addition to your wardrobe. These bags are crafted with high-quality materials and often have gorgeous embellishments, such as a tassel or push lock. They are usually designed to stand the test of time, with a classic style that can go from day to night with ease. However, while mk is a well-known brand in the fashion industry, it is important to know if you are purchasing a genuine mk bag or a fake one.
Authentic mk bags will display a tag that contains information about the bag’s origin. The tag will say Made in and then the country where it was manufactured, such as China or the Dominican Republic. It will also contain a code directly below this information that consists of two letters and four numbers that identify the specific factory/plant where it was made. For example, the code for a mk bag that was made in the Dominican Republic will read 4214.
Another way to determine whether a bag is real or fake is to check the interior of the purse. The fabric lining should feature the MK logo in a circular pattern that is printed consistently and is the same color as the bag exterior. Fake mk bags may have this logo printed in a darker color or the letters might be spaced out in an unsymmetrical manner.
In addition, genuine mk bags should be heavy and the hardware will feel sturdy. It should have a silvery tone and will not show any chips or scratches. The clasps should be easy to open, and the strap hooks should have a smooth finish and look like they were polished once or twice. mk bags