The Incas discover the coca medicinal and magical properties 2,000 a.c., but the large industrialized nations found other
applications for the coca leaves that have nothing to do with beneficial applications for the human being.
The coca plant is essentially a medicinal plant per excellence, whose preventive and therapeutic properties have demonstrated their effectiveness throughout time.
Erythroxylon is the botanical name of the coca herbals and there is a full in deep study made by Antonio Brack Egg a Peruvian scientific biologist who devoted more than twenty years studying Peruvian native plants under the financial support of the United Nations Development Program and CBC (Centro de Estudios Reginales Andinos Bartolome de Las Casas.
Coca leaves might be useful as a natural treatment for; altitude illness, asthma, gastrointestinal ailments and motion sickness, high blood, as a fast-acting antidepressant, boost alertness, as a substitute stimulant for coffee in certain cases, and as an adjunct in programs of weight reduction and physical fitness (reduce the to anxiety of eating). In leaf form, coca does not produce toxicity or dependence. Its effects are distinct from those of cocaine (see references).
A whole extract of the leaf, include; alkaloids, natural flavors, and several nutrients vitamins A, B1, C, E, B12 potassium, magnesium Zinc copper Sodium, Phosforus, Calcium Fibre, iron.
the Andean natives like to chew today coca (chacceo) burning some coca leaves and mixing with fresh coca leaves wrapping a piece of lime forming a ball of coca leaves with the lime as the nucleus to obtain a chemical reaction together with the inner mouse fluids to support long hardworking periods without a need to eat or get tired
It is not by chance that the plant has acquired a broad and diverse range of applications in the traditional medicine of the indigenous people. Its irreplaceable qualities have been demonstrated over time and throughout a vast territory. The coca leaf has established itself as the traditional remedy for treating physiological and psychological illness, and by virtue of its composition it is a powerful energy restorer for curing stomach and digestive ailments, alleviating affections of the larynx and vocal chords, preventing vertigo, regulating arterial pressure and the metabolism of carbohydrates, and even of improving sexual prowess.
Today if you arrive to Cusco to visit the Machu Pichu the most famous Incas ruins you will be invited to deserve a cup of Coca tea for free and will advice you to accept the invitation if you don’t want to suffer the altitude illness. and if you like to visit Huaraz you also will have the opportunity to try Coca Tea for free (of course if you like to try again they will charge your credit card). lote tree leaves