Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery performed to correct deformities of the nose, improve breathing problems and eliminate aesthetic defects. The procedure involves the alteration of the shape of your nose by placing prosthetic implants or using the patient’s own cartilage. After reshaping the nose, the surgeon will close the incisions with stitches. Patients should expect swelling bruising and bleeding after the operation. The patient will be given pain medication and post-operative instructions.
During your consultation, the doctor will review your medical history and examine the nasal structure. The two of you will discuss your goals, and the doctor will formulate a plan that best suits your needs. If necessary, the doctor may recommend combining rhinoplasty with another cosmetic surgery to help you achieve your desired results.
The procedure is usually completed under general anesthesia. After the doctor has reshaped your nose, they will stitch the incisions and apply a bandage to keep your nose in place. Patients can return home after 24 hours. Patients should expect a small amount of bleeding and bruising for several days after the surgery. After the bruising and swelling subside, your new nose will reach its final appearance in six months.
In case of any complications, the doctor will inform you as soon as possible. The most common complication is a nosebleed. If this occurs, it can be treated with head elevation, saline spray, or nasal decongestants. If the bleeding persists, it may be necessary to perform anterior tamponage or angiographic embolization. cyprus rhinoplasty prices